The technology

Ultrasound at the heart of our modules

Sonic Resonance

The result of several years’ research, Slim Sonic modules feature Sonic Resonance technology based on the use of low-frequency ultrasound.

Low-energy diffuse emission stimulates the release of fat stored as triglycerides in adipocytes.

Muscles prefer energy from glycogen (sugar), but when lipids are made available (SLIM SONIC destocking), they consume them in the same proportions. As the glycogen reserve in the muscle is small, if the effort is significant or lasts, the muscle burns the majority of the fat resulting from destocking.

The process in 4 steps

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    SoniC Resonance technology uses low-intensity, calibrated ultrasonic waves without heat. These resonance waves target and massively destock triglyceride molecules trapped in adipocytes.
    The vibration releases the fatty acid molecules trapped in the fat cells.
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    Once released, triglycerides are transported through the venous system to the muscles. Lipoproteins act as transport "vehicles". The circulating fatty acids are then carried by the bloodstream and used as fuel (energy) by the muscles.
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    During physical exercise, the muscles look for sources of energy. fatty acids play a key role. Thanks to the activation of destocking facilitated by Sonic Resonance technology, these fatty acids become more accessible, allowing them to be used more intensively. The aim is to preserve the glucose reserve in order to improve performance and reduce fatigue.
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    The amount of fat eliminated is directly linked to its capacity to be be burnt (consumed). This targeted approach is important, as the elimination of excess fat depends closely on the physical activity involved. Our experience shows that around 80% of fat is eliminated when the conditions are correctly applied and respected.

A dozen studies in 12 years

Numerous scientific studies and publications validate our results (Dr. D. Durrer, University of Lausanne, Dr. C. Hausswirth, Research Director INSEP France 2012-2016). The average loss is 5 to 6 cm of waistline in 6 sessions. Slim Sonic is the new slimming solution.

Several internal studies conducted under the direction of Dominique DETRAZ (SWISS OLYMPIC coach), noted by Beat HEFTI (Olympic and World Champion in Bobsleigh) and Aurélien BROUSSAL-DERVAL (coach of Olympic Federations) demonstrate that the massive release of triglycerides just before a violent effort contributes significantly to the improvement of performance during the said effort

"With SLIM SONIC, this localized destocking allows a significant reduction of triglycerides. "

Christophe Hausswirth

Director of Research at INSEP from 2012 to 2016, Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and Researcher at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

In 2019, we worked with him to study the results of our technology. This study has been published in Frontiers in Physiology, the leading American research journal.

Our scientific study with Dr. Christophe Hausswirth shows that in 6 sessions over 2 weeks of Slim Sonic, the results are significant and show a loss of

  • 6.5 cm of abdominal perimeter
  • 4.6 cm of hip circumference
  • 1,2 kg
  • 1.8% BMI
  • 1.5% body fat
  • 6% body fat
  • 29% triglycerides

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All our studies

Two weeks of high-intensity interval training in combination with a non-thermal diffuse ultrasound device improves lipid profile and reduces body fat percentage in overweight women

Publication dans Frontiers in Physiology – Christophe Hausswirth – Octobre 2019

This study evaluated the effectiveness of an innovative strategy which combined low-frequency ultra sound (LOFU) with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to improve physical fitness and promote body fat loss in overweight sedentary women.

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Turbocure : analyse des résultats sur 400 individus

Juillet 2017

Depuis 2012, nous avons effectué de très nombreuses Turbocure dans notre centre de formation de Lausanne. Pour cette analyse, 400 traitements ont été choisis de façon aléatoire, mais en respectant le profil de notre clientèle.

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Test de performance sprint

Mai 2017 – Jacques Borgognon

Cette pré-étude a été organisée en plein air. Le protocole complet n’a pu être respecté à cause des conditions climatiques (pluie). Seul 50% des sprints ont été mesurés.

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Test de performance : force, développé-couché

Mai 2017

Cette pré-étude a été organisée en salle (Fittime, salle dirigée par M. Thierry Guisolan). Le protocole a été très simple, car l’objectif premier était de savoir si dans ce domaine, SLIM SONIC apporte également une amélioration des performances.

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Étude sur une Turbocure : Traitement avec la technologie SoniC Resonance

Décembre 2014 – Dr. Dominique Durrer-Schutz

­­­11 femmes en surpoids à obèses ont été étudiées, âge moyen 41 ans, taille moyenne 1.60 m, durée de l’étude 6 jours à raison d’une séance par jour de 40 minutes d’exercices modérés, aérobies …

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Analyse de la perte centimétrique et de la perte de graisse pour un traitement SoniC Resonance

Octobre 2014 – Jacques Borgognon

Nous avons pris 280 mesures de patients qui ont fait une “Turbocure” soit six séances de 40 min en 3 ou 6 jours.

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Impact des ultrasons diffus combinés au travail musculaire sur plaque vibrante sur la modification de la composition corporelle de femmes modérément obèses

Avril 2014 – Dr. Dominique Durrer-Schutz

Étudier les effets d’ultrasons diffus appliqués dans la région abdominale combinés au travail musculaire sur plaque vibrante chez des femmes obèses. Cette méthode a pour but d’accélérer la mobilisation de graisse du tissu adipeux abdominal.

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Surpoids et obésité : condensé de résultats de deux études(janvier 2011 et février 2012)

Septembre 2012 – Dr. Dominique Durrer-Schutz

Dans le cadre du « Master en Activité Physique Adaptée » de l’ISSUL, en collaboration avec le Service de Médecine du Sport du CHUV, deux études ont été faites dans le but de diminuer principalement la graisse située dans ces deux sites anatomiques.

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Déstockage SoniC Resonance – Triglycérides – Méthode de travail

Condensé théorique quant à SoniC Resonance et l’Équilibre Energétique

Mai 2010 – Jacques Borgognon, ingénieur

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Our certifications

The control and mastery of the quality of our products is at the heart of SLIM SONIC's creation process. This is why this medical device, unique in the world, is certified, declared and validated.

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